Thursday, April 14, 2011

My day today.

So woke up today to all three animals in my bed :) talk about pure bliss. Sadie, my new pomeranian puppy, is trained by my alarm clock. As soon as it goes off she is right in my face ready to play. Mila, my 2 year old pom, seems to get a little jealous so I have to make sure to give my love equally. And Leeloo, my cat, well, she loves her Johnny, my boyfriend. But what a way to begin the day tumbling and tossing with my animals. And to top it off Johnny wanted to skip his film class this morning which meant I didn't have to be at school until 2. Soooo nice.

this is Mila and Leeloo about a year ago.

This was the night I got Sadie!

I finally registered for my classes next fall. I'm taking Chemistry I w/ lab, Calculus I online, Philosophy, and General Sociology. And I will be done by 5 every Tuesday and Thursday. Perfect schedule in my opinion. I am somewhat nervous about Chemistry. I loved it in high school, but it has been awhile since I've taken it. My goal this summer is to memorize the periodic table again and maybe work on my knowledge of the whole atom-mass thing again. Shew it really has been awhile.

As I walked into school today I noticed there was a drum circle in the courtyard!! How perfect is that. I had to go take my biology test, which took about 30 min, and then I ran and grabbed my hoops and joined in the fun. For those who don't know drum circles and hooping were definitely made for each other. This just absolutely made my day. They even got me on film. Not too sure what they were filming for but I felt very complimented by the fact that they even wanted to film me at all.

So that brings me to the present moment. Blogging in the library while johnny programs right beside me. Life is good today.

Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad with you make crack with it. - Adam Sandler ... this made me laugh as Sandler always does.

The Beginning

So I have caught the blogging bug and decided to try it out. So far I am pretty confused but I guess it'll just take some time to figure it all out. The reason I decided to start blogging is because I feel that I have finally come into who I truly am (sort of). I don't think it's entirely possible at my age, 21, to know everything about yourself, but I'm getting there. I was driving a couple days before my birthday and had an epiphany moment. I just felt so content with where my life was. I'm in school working toward my dreams; I have a great, well providing job; I have the most amazing family; I just celebrated my 3 year anniversary with the love of my life; I have the sweetest animals; and I finally found an activity that makes me so happy, hula hooping. Everything just seems so in place. Wanna hear another amazing thing? I have had to be on anti-depressants on-and-off since i was about 16. When I picked up hula hooping, I was able to kick the pills and begin to truly enjoy life. Since I've been off of them I have been the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. I really think some people need the pills in certain cases, but in mine I just needed some good exercise and some serious self-realization. I have also started reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's book Eliminating Your Erroneous Zones, which is all about kicking those self destructive behaviors. Once I truly accepted that I am the only one responsible for my feelings, I made a huge step toward happiness. But don't get me wrong, my life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There's plenty of rainy days too, but I try to make the best of it I can. Well I think for a first post this is not too shabby so I'll end with a couple words of wisdom.

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." -Albert Einstein