Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Beginning

So I have caught the blogging bug and decided to try it out. So far I am pretty confused but I guess it'll just take some time to figure it all out. The reason I decided to start blogging is because I feel that I have finally come into who I truly am (sort of). I don't think it's entirely possible at my age, 21, to know everything about yourself, but I'm getting there. I was driving a couple days before my birthday and had an epiphany moment. I just felt so content with where my life was. I'm in school working toward my dreams; I have a great, well providing job; I have the most amazing family; I just celebrated my 3 year anniversary with the love of my life; I have the sweetest animals; and I finally found an activity that makes me so happy, hula hooping. Everything just seems so in place. Wanna hear another amazing thing? I have had to be on anti-depressants on-and-off since i was about 16. When I picked up hula hooping, I was able to kick the pills and begin to truly enjoy life. Since I've been off of them I have been the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. I really think some people need the pills in certain cases, but in mine I just needed some good exercise and some serious self-realization. I have also started reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's book Eliminating Your Erroneous Zones, which is all about kicking those self destructive behaviors. Once I truly accepted that I am the only one responsible for my feelings, I made a huge step toward happiness. But don't get me wrong, my life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There's plenty of rainy days too, but I try to make the best of it I can. Well I think for a first post this is not too shabby so I'll end with a couple words of wisdom.

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." -Albert Einstein

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of where you are in your life . You have come a long way and what a beauty you turned out to be inside and out . Thank you God for this beautiful lil girl is my prayer everyday . You are my JOY !!! XOXO Mom
